Our goals


Setting up a lending service with outbuildings inland The Gambia so C4M can reach out across the country. We also continuously look for medical equipment free of charge to stock up. We aim to lend out the best suitable medical equipment. Especially with children this is a challenge. Medical equipment in The Gambia wears harder so also needs replacement sooner.


Short term goal is to have our own vehicle to transport the medical equipment to our warehouse, branche organisations and clients and to enable our care coordinator to make house visits. We need a solid 4 wheel drive vehicle due to the bad road conditions and the rainy saison. Mid or long-term we might be in need of more vehicles for our staff.


Another goal is to create employment. Mid-term 2020 we hope to employ a care coordinator and possibly a distributor/driver/handy man. In the long-term depending on growth and developments we could be employing a maintenance engineer, warehouse manager, occupational therapist, physiotherapist and home nurse.